Sunday, January 26, 2020

Five causes of face to dry

For the vast majority of Indonesians living in tropical regions, the rigor of facial skin is often one of the most annoying problems. Some of you especially young people certainly feel that this one adolescent problematics become a suppressant of self-confidence. The reason is that the skin of dry face will be characterized by the appearance of skin pores that shrink, the emergence of wrinkles and cracks in the face.

The onset of itching, visible exfoliation on the skin, the appearance of redness of the skin, as well as a tight taste on the skin after bathing, swimming, or washing face. In addition, those who suffer from dry skin often look older than their real age. Sucks, isn't it? Then, what is the cause of the face so dry? And what should you do to avoid this condition?

Here is a complete explanation of the causes of dry face:

What are the main causes?

Indeed, the main cause of dry facial skin is the loss of moisture in the skin. Normally, your skin should keep around 20 – 30% of the amount of water to stay moist. In this condition, your face will remain toned, clean, and youthful. However, when the moisture on the face decreases drastically, continuously, dry skin problems will come.

Then, what causes skin's moisture to diminish?

The answer: various things. The most common cause of the environment is overheating. Not only that, genetic and age factors also become one of the triggers of the skin to dry. Want to know other triggers? Check out the following list:

1. Warm water Soak

Sounds weird? In fact, soaking in warm water too long can be one of the causes of dry face. Not only that, too long to soak in the river or cold water pond can also make your skin dry. So for those of you who to warm water soak not too long so that changes to the skin does not occur.

2. Heat

Did you know that constant exposure to heat is the most common cause of facial skin? Especially if you are often too close to heat sources, such as combustion furnaces and bonfires, which are able to reduce the moisture of the facial skin and make it dry.

3. Hot shower

Many of you who do not know that bathing with hot water especially if in a long period of time can be the cause of the face so dry. Therefore, in the morning you are more advised to bathe in a refreshing cold water. Different if when you are less tasty (sick) then it can use hot water to keep the body temperature stable.

4. Swim too often

Same with a hot bath, swimming too long and too often especially in a public swimming pool containing chlorine can make your skin quickly dry. Well if you are on the beach to swim then do not too long also to keep skin healthy.

5. Coarse Soap

Usually, this type of soap is recommended for those of you who have oily facial skin, to reduce the level of sebum in the face. Be careful! If used too often in a day, this type of soap can precisely be the cause of the face so dry, yeah! Use a soap that fits your skin and don't use it if it doesn't fit.

You should remember, in addition to the five common factors above, dry facial skin is usually also experienced by people with Atopic eczema, aka Eksema. Not only that, your risk of suffering from dry skin will also increase at the age of 40 years or older, or if you live in a dry, cold, hot climate, with a low moisture level.

That's some cause of the face to dry and little Tips avoid it. So many information can be given, hopefully can give a useful information for all. Thanks.